Jeffrey W. Short
Attorney | Indianapolis
Phone: (317) 977-1413 | Fax: (317) 633-4878
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About Jeffrey
With over 30 years of experience, Jeff Short is a shareholder at Hall Render representing the health care industry in matters involving innovation, technology, data, privacy and security. Advising health care organizations of all sizes across the country, these representations have involved strategic relationships, equity and royalty arrangements, procurement and regulatory compliance and investigations.
In these representations, Jeff assists clients with issues related to implementing, managing and interconnecting HIT, as well as the strategic use of HIT. Jeff’s work also encompasses all issues related to electronic health records systems (EHRs), including procurement, privacy and security issues, implementation issues and disputes, as well as extending use of EHRs to other community providers through EHR donation programs. In addition, he has experience assisting clients with the outsourcing of both HIT and non-clinical business services. Given the increasing regulatory environment of HIT, Jeff also advises clients on the effects on transactions, including the impact of Information Blocking, HIPAA, HITECH, Promoting Interoperability/Meaningful Use, Stark Law, Anti-Kickback Statute and related state laws.