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Hall Render Acknowledges National Medical Staff Services Awareness Week

Posted on November 6, 2012 in Firm News

Written by: Hall Render

National Medical Staff Services Awareness Week is this week, November 4-10.  In 1992, President George Bush signed Congressional House Joint Resolution #399 proclaiming the first week in November as National Medical Staff Services Awareness Week.

Since then, the National Association Medical Staff Services (NAMSS) has partnered with hospitals, MCOs, doctor’s offices, university health systems and government agencies to promote awareness of the medical services professionals (MSPs).  In order to help you celebrate, NAMSS has put together resources for members to use to help promote this week at their facilities.  Visit the NAMSS website to gain access to the National Medical Staff Services Awareness Week Tool Kit that includes resources on how to effectively celebrate National Medical Staff Services Awareness Week.

Hall Render salutes MSPs and their dedication to ensuring that all patients receive care from practitioners who are properly educated, licensed and trained in their specialties.