Effective July 2011, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) adopted a revised Medicare Enrollment Application – Institutional Providers CMS-855A (CMS-855A). Some of the more significant changes include a couple of additonal documentation requirements, significant changes to the ownership disclosure requirements, and an attachment for Physician-Owned Hospitals.
The CMS-855A has been significantly reformatted which should make it more user-friendly, but has also increased the number of pages of the form. No notice has been providing regarding how long the Medicare Administrative Contractors will continue to accept the previous version; therefore, providers should consider using the new CMS-855A to avoid delays in enrollment and/or reimbursement. The new CMS-855A may be found at: http://www.cms.gov/cmsforms/downloads/cms855a.pdf
If you have any questions regarding the new CMS-855A , please contact your regular Hall Render attorney, or Todd Selby at tselby@wp.hallrender.com or 317.977.1440, or Brian Jent at bjent@wp.hallrender.com or 317.977.1402.