Understanding the Process & Issues in Real Estate Compliance Actions
A Conversation with Assistant US Attorney Justin Olson
Hall Render attorneys Addison Bradford and Lauren Rodriguez sit down with Justin Olson, an Assistant United States Attorney for the US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Indiana who serves as the office’s Civil Health Care Fraud Coordinator, about his experience litigating civil health care compliance actions arising out of or related to real estate arrangements, specifically leasing arrangements subject to the Stark Law and the Anti-Kickback Statute.
The conversation will focus on both the substance and the process for litigating these actions with particular emphasis on common real estate issues implicated in these actions and the relationship between DOJ, CMS and OIG in litigating these cases. The webinar is intended to give health care providers greater understanding of both Stark and Anti-Kickback and encourage them to consider these application of these statutes in their leasing arrangements.